Image from the Public Safety Officers' Benefit Program

The Bureau of Justice Assistance recently announced that its Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program will, in most cases, provide death benefits to public safety officers who have died from the coronavirus, which they were exposed to in the line of duty. The big question is, do these benefits extend to private security officers? Security officers are in fact first responders and although they may be employed by a company, respond to numerous emergencies involving the lives of others. An email to the BJA has been sent on behalf of all security officers, inquiring about its benefits. If an answer is given, it will be posted.   -- IFPO.

Here is the news release:

Administered by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the Public Safety Officers' Benefits Program provides death benefits to the eligible survivors of public safety officers who are fatally injured in the line of duty, disability benefits to public safety officers catastrophically injured in the line of duty, and education benefits to the eligible spouses and children of fallen and catastrophically injured officers. BJA’s PSOB Office is honored to review the more than 1,000 claims submitted each year on behalf of America's fallen and injured public safety heroes and their loved ones.

With the recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, America’s law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders face a new health risk as they continue to selflessly serve their communities.

Under the current Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Act and its implementing regulations, conditions caused by infectious diseases, viruses, and bacteria may be found to be an injury sustained in the line of duty. To establish eligibility for benefits under the PSOB Act in connection with a public safety officer’s death or disability due to COVID-19, the PSOB Act and regulations require that the evidence show that it is more likely than not that the disease resulted from the public safety officer’s exposure to the disease or the virus that causes the disease, SARS-CoV-2, while performing a line of duty activity or action.

In general, BJA will find that the evidence shows a public safety officer with COVID-19 contracted it in the line of duty, when (1) the officer had engaged in line of duty action or activity under circumstances that indicate that it was medically possible that the officer was exposed to the virus, SARS-CoV-2, while so engaged; and (2) the officer did contract the disease, COVID-19, within a time-frame where it was medically possible to contract the disease from that exposure. In addition, in the absence of evidence showing a different cause of death, BJA generally will find
that the evidence shows a public safety officer who died while suffering from COVID-19 died as the direct and proximate result of COVID-19.

As the PSOB Office receives claims based on COVID-19 exposure, it will work closely with survivors, officers, and agencies to obtain whatever evidence may be needed to support each claim, through all available information, including incident reports and related documents. For questions regarding the PSOB Program or filing a claim, please do not hesitate to visit PSOB’s online portal at or email the PSOB Director at


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International Foundation for Protection Officers Mission Statement

Mission Statement Part I.

The International Foundation for Protection Officers provides professional learning opportunities for security practitioners, to impart the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to maximize job performance and enhance career potential.

Purpose: to make a positive difference in the quality of the participant’s job performance and elevate the professional status of students who partake of our learning opportunities.

Business: to supply committed security practitioners with a quality education to help achieve their highest potential and provide recognized accreditation for successful completion of educational goals.

Values: commitment, integrity, responsibility, and standards of excellence, provide the platform that supports our journey as we pursue our mission.

Vision Statement

Commitment to Excellence: To be the recognized center of excellence and primary provider of education and training products and services to the security industry.

Mission Statement Part II.

“The International Foundation for Protection Officers is committed to the support and professional development of protection officers and supervisors. Through advocacy, promoting training standards, and providing accessible training, education and certification opportunities, we seek to enhance their professional standing as well as increase and diversify the value of the vital services they provide.”