Photo of the Morton J. Holbrook Jr. Judicial Center from the Owensboro Times.

Things appear to be moving in the right direction at the Morton J. Holbrook Jr. Judicial Center in Kentucky as significant raises for security officers there were announced recently. Historically, security professionals have been notoriously underpaid, so it is virtually unheard of for security staff, both full- and part-time, to receive raises of more than 30 percent. Those currently employed will enjoy a higher quality of life, but just as important, moving forward, Daviess County officials will be able to be more selective in their hiring process, as higher wages generally will attract higher-caliber candidates. -- IFPO.

Owensboro, Kentucky -- Armed and unarmed court security officers at the Morton Holbrook Judicial Center will receive raises on Jan. 1 in a move that Daviess County Sheriff's Department officials hope will assist with hiring and retention.

Fiscal Court approved the raises, which go into effect when the sheriff's department's 2020 budget starts in January. Most of the court security personnel are part-time, with unarmed security officers earning $8 when hired and armed part-time officers receiving $11 an hour.

With the raises, unarmed court security officers will earn $12 and armed officers will earn $16 an hour.

"Hopefully, that will help us with our hiring" for the judicial center, said Major Barry Smith, the department's chief deputy. "We struggle from time to time to fill those part-time positions."

Three security positions at the judicial center are full-time and 18 are part-time. The part-time officers can work a maximum of 99 hours a month.

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We believe that education is a necessary and essential part of professional security training and the security officer’s background. IFPO serves individuals, security companies, and organizations that have their own private security staff. Our students and members benefit from the recognition and standing that the prestigious IFPO certification conveys.

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International Foundation for Protection Officers Mission Statement

Mission Statement Part I.

The International Foundation for Protection Officers provides professional learning opportunities for security practitioners, to impart the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to maximize job performance and enhance career potential.

Purpose: to make a positive difference in the quality of the participant’s job performance and elevate the professional status of students who partake of our learning opportunities.

Business: to supply committed security practitioners with a quality education to help achieve their highest potential and provide recognized accreditation for successful completion of educational goals.

Values: commitment, integrity, responsibility, and standards of excellence, provide the platform that supports our journey as we pursue our mission.

Vision Statement

Commitment to Excellence: To be the recognized center of excellence and primary provider of education and training products and services to the security industry.

Mission Statement Part II.

“The International Foundation for Protection Officers is committed to the support and professional development of protection officers and supervisors. Through advocacy, promoting training standards, and providing accessible training, education and certification opportunities, we seek to enhance their professional standing as well as increase and diversify the value of the vital services they provide.”