International Foundation for Protection Officers

Congrats to Priscilla Tucker, IFPO’s February scholarship winner!

The IFPO's February scholarship winner is Priscilla Tucker, of Miami, Florida. Priscilla has chosen to take the Certified in Security Supervision and Management (CSSM) course. Congratulations, Priscilla! To sign up for the Monthly Scholarship for a CPO Program or the CSSM Program, click here! The International Foundation for Protection Officers stands for professionalism and education. As [...]

By |2019-03-07T06:11:29-05:00March 7th, 2019|About IFPO, News|Comments Off on Congrats to Priscilla Tucker, IFPO’s February scholarship winner!

Oregon bill seeks to disarm campus police at 2 universities

This might not be the smartest action to take. No one is going to respond quicker to incidents that occur on-campus than campus police officers. With the amount of students, faculty and visitors that travel through and congregate at large universities, the potential for a larger amount of severe crime is there. The time it [...]

By |2019-03-06T05:42:51-05:00March 5th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Oregon bill seeks to disarm campus police at 2 universities

Did you know? IFPO weekly professional protection officer quiz #2

Welcome to the second installment of the weekly IFPO security professional quiz. Here are the answers from last week's quiz #1: A D False B C How well did you do? And now, onto this week's questions: 1. In a contemporary asset protection scheme, patrols are not just concerned with observing criminal activity. Patrols are [...]

By |2019-03-02T09:32:06-05:00March 2nd, 2019|About IFPO, News|Comments Off on Did you know? IFPO weekly professional protection officer quiz #2

Security officer chases Brooklyn Gap thief, works with police to make arrest

Further proof that great things happen when security professionals and law enforcement work together. -- IFPO.   From PrivateOfficerBreakingNews: Brooklyn NY March 2 2019 A security guard chased down a crook with an astounding 86 prior arrests after the thief ripped off a Brooklyn Gap, threatened the guard with a razor and then hid in [...]

By |2019-03-02T08:23:00-05:00March 2nd, 2019|News|Comments Off on Security officer chases Brooklyn Gap thief, works with police to make arrest

Get certified! Why certifications are important in the security industry

Michael S. D'Angelo makes a great case for the importance of attaining certifications in the security industry. We here at the IFPO couldn't agree more. -- IFPO. BY Michael S. D'Angelo, CPP, CSC, CHPA I read a post today by a “security consultant” who proclaimed: “that you don’t need professional certifications to prove you are [...]

By |2019-02-28T06:22:26-05:00February 28th, 2019|About IFPO, News|Comments Off on Get certified! Why certifications are important in the security industry

Security officer shot defending news crew during Oakland robbery

They say crime is about opportunity, and that appears to be the case recently in Oakland. Here we have TV reporters, just trying to do their jobs, but in the chaos and confusion of the Oakland teachers' strike, a couple of suspects saw an opportunity and even with the crew's security officer right there, pulled [...]

By |2019-02-26T06:37:28-05:00February 26th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Security officer shot defending news crew during Oakland robbery

Why security professionals and law enforcement must work together

  By John Patston  |   Feb 21, 2019, When Americans leave their homes for business or for leisure, there’s an expectation that they remain fairly safe while interacting with the rest of society. If not for the role of government, particularly as it relates to the function and availability of law enforcement, persons would be at [...]

By |2019-02-23T08:02:57-05:00February 23rd, 2019|News|Comments Off on Why security professionals and law enforcement must work together

#JusticeForDamario – security officer shot in back fighting to regain mobility

Now more than ever, security professionals are putting themselves in harm's way. Damario Johnson took a bullet in the back while working security at a nightclub early Thanksgiving morning and since then, has been fighting to regain what he has lost. He has many challenges ahead of him, but Damario, the security community is with [...]

By |2019-02-22T09:23:04-05:00February 22nd, 2019|News|Comments Off on #JusticeForDamario – security officer shot in back fighting to regain mobility

Did you know? IFPO weekly professional protection officer quiz #1

Presenting a new feature here at the IFPO: The weekly professional protection officer quiz. Each week, five questions, culled from IFPO material, will be posted. The next week, the answers will be posted, along with five more questions. So test your knowledge of professional protection theory and practice and feel free to share it to [...]

By |2019-02-21T06:37:44-05:00February 21st, 2019|About IFPO, News|Comments Off on Did you know? IFPO weekly professional protection officer quiz #1

South African security officers catch business robbery suspect

A heroic deed, for sure. And sharp uniforms too. As it says in our name, the International Foundation for Protection Officers, it is great to hear news like this from all corners of the globe. -- IFPO. From PrivateOfficerBreakingNews: Ladysmith S Africa Feb 18 2019 -- National Security officers Albert Maphalala and Phumlani Memela made [...]

By |2019-02-18T17:58:52-05:00February 18th, 2019|News|Comments Off on South African security officers catch business robbery suspect
